
  • Oleksii Khryniuk

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The recent events of the rapid spread of coronavirus disease, the announcement of a pandemic in the world have shown not only the vulnerability of the national health systems in most countries of the world, but also the underestimation of the management of both the medical, industrial and infrastructure problems.

The situation in Ukraine was particularly acute, where, in our opinion, it became obvious that the responsible state officials neglected to assess the current threats and challenges facing the country, regions and enterprises in view of technical, personnel, institutional unpreparedness to overcome the consequences of the crisis quarantined ads in the country. The obvious consequences of the declared pandemic in the world have been the closure of borders, declining economic activity, rising costs and stopping the activities of many business entities, loss of human potential. In such conditions, the problem of national security of Ukraine becomes more and more important, where economic security is of particular importance, along with the safety of life of the population, between close causality, interaction and interdependence are formed.

Maintaining mainly measures to combat the spread of infectious diseases, we follow the acts of state response by the highest executive body of the country - the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in terms of auditing its public management decisions, in particular adherence to the principles of effectiveness, sufficiency, complexity and effectiveness of adopted special decisions in the first quarter of 2020, which significantly affected the conditions of activity of domestic enterprises.

The actions of the executive power, which should be an anti-crisis organizational center for rapid response to threats to the country, were now superficial, not systematic and chaotic, did not meet, in our view, the basic requirements of crisis management behavior. Thus, in the conditions of more than 2 months rapid spread of infectious disease in the world and granting it the status of a pandemic, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the first time adopts the decision of February 19, 2020 No. 129, in our opinion, not systematic in nature for the permission of the Ministry of Health to purchase medical devices to prevent the introduction and spread in Ukraine of acute respiratory illness caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus at the expense of the balance of funds provided for the purchase of chemotherapeutic drugs, radiopharmaceuticals and su wires for the treatment of cancer patients formed on the accounts of the specialized organization Crown Agents, for an amount not exceeding the equivalent of UAH 67 million [1]. That is, the highest executive authority of the country authorizes the profile ministry to start some specialized work only with some partial purchase of the necessary medicines on the principle of residual financing. The very existence of such a “permits” procedure testifies to the extreme limits of bureaucratization of relations in public administration at its highest level. The very attitude towards ensuring the need for medical procurement indicates that the officials are not aware of the role, place, consequences and nature of the existing threats to society, which can be assessed as irresponsibility to society. In addition, it has signs of a violation of direct constitutional obligations by the collective governing body to carry out measures to ensure national security of Ukraine in accordance with Article 116 of the Constitution of Ukraine [2].

   It draws attention to the fact that by this decree the government instructs the relevant ministry to calculate the need for medical devices to prevent the introduction and spread of acute Covid-19 coronavirus disease on the territory of Ukraine. That is, only the calculation of the need is given, not at least the permission to run the security program. On the other hand, what scant powers are vested in the Ministry of Health as a public authority if it requires basic management guidance for public policy in the control of the life span of the entire country.

The delayed reaction of its main constituent - the subject of management in the person of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to external threats, is evidenced by the ineffective functioning of the public administration system, which cannot be justified by the change of the government's personal composition, since it indicates the imperfection of the state executive system in general, and its excessive dependence , or simply its incapacitation in crisis conditions, lack of variants of functioning adequate to the changing environment. Thus, the second resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 211 was adopted only after 20 days, which proclaimed introduction in Ukraine from March 12, 2020 to April 24, 2020 throughout the country of the quarantine, and in particular the ban on the work of business entities, which provides for the reception of visitors, except those aimed at meeting the basic needs of the population, ban on carriage of passages public transport, except for employees of life support institutions and organizations [3].

The economic sphere of functioning of the country remained practically out of the government's attention, and the economic entities, most of which are small and medium-sized businesses and which were directly prohibited from operating, were not provided with financial support and even did not declare such intentions as would be in conformity with the constitutional rule on use. measures to ensure the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, in accordance with Art. 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine the assertion and protection of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state.

Obviously, it requires a serious audit of the authority of the whole state vertical management, if in the conditions of actual termination of transport service of employees of economic entities, which results in reduction, restriction, termination of activities of a large part of them, they are advised to ensure the organization of shift work of employees. Such a system of state regulation either cannot or does not want to ensure the balance of interests of all legal entities, and therefore the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine on support for domestic producers, small and medium businesses. Some procedural and behavioral protection measures and partial tax cuts were adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in mid-March 2020.

Another aspect of the organizational and managerial crisis is demonstrated by the following CMU Resolution No. 240 of March 16, 2020, which was introduced from March 26 to April 24, 2020, throughout the territory of nuclear power plants of the State Enterprise “National Atomic Energy Generating Company“ Energoatom ”and satellite cities, where nuclear power plant personnel reside and quarantine, prohibiting the involvement of respiratory disease personnel and all mass events and restricting population entry into and departure from satellite cities x [4]. That is, by declaring a quarantine in the whole territory of Ukraine from March 12, 2020 with one resolution, the second decree declares a quarantine from March 26, 2020 in the territory of nuclear power plants of the state-owned enterprise and in the cities providing them with labor, ie quarantine was introduced in the quarantine with prescriptions elementary adequate behavior. Accepting the urgent need for enhanced protection of critical infrastructure, which should already be a priori, draws attention to the lack of complexity of the decision taken, due to the lack of a program of action to address the problem and its material and financial support, as well as the inverted pyramid of managerial influence, for example, in its information plan. Thus, the government of the country instructs a number of regional state administrations, the state enterprise "National Atomic Energy Generating Company" Energoatom "together with the relevant local self-government bodies, in particular, to provide daily information to the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Protection on measures to prevent the spread of acute CID 19, caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, for its generalization, to be sent to the Ministry of Health and to inform the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. You could talk about feedback from the management vertical if the action program was in place. Otherwise, this indicates that the supreme executive body does not realize its constitutional designation for ensuring the national security of Ukraine in accordance with Article 116 of the Constitution of Ukraine, as it does not provide for a set of measures to solve a raised problem, for which there is already a program of action, although according to with the provisions of the said article should develop and implement nation-wide development programs of Ukraine and, in our view, in the conditions of threats, already launch programs of anti-crisis measures that would take into account inte Thou entire society and existing conditions, pursuing a policy of state control and regulation, not just perform statistical authorities and summarize information.

And the decisions of the higher executive body containing binding orders, for example, as in the mentioned resolution, to the state enterprise “National Atomic Energy Generating Company“ Energoatom ”concerning taking timely and complete carrying out of preventive and epidemic epidemics, do not seem quite meaningful enhanced sanitation regime for all personnel of nuclear power plants. The question is, and what introduction did the government announce? Quarantine ?! And should such a regime and working conditions not be known to the managers and personnel of the objects of all critical infrastructure of the country, and not just the mentioned enterprise? These kinds of actions indicate a simple shift of responsibility and an unpreparedness of the executive branch to solve urgent problems.

Ensuring the functioning and sovereignty of the state strengthens the requirements and creates an urgent need to mobilize efforts to support the economic sector in various aspects - from crisis targets, resource and technology support, organization of activities and ending with the evaluation of its activities. Therefore, the issue of identifying threats to particular sectors of the economy and economic security of Ukraine as a whole, and the formation of an effective and efficient anti-crisis management system both at the enterprise level and at the state level, are of particular relevance.


Some Issues of Purchasing Medical Devices to Prevent Acute Respiratory Disease Caused by the Covid-19 Coronavirus in Ukraine: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 19.02.2020. No. 129. laws / show / 129-2020-% D0% BF / sp: max100 (accessed 28.03.2020).

Constitution of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of June 28, 1996. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/main/254%D0%BA/96-%D0%B2%D1%80 (accessed 28.03. .2020).

On the Prevention of Acute COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Disease Caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus in Ukraine: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 11.03.2020 No. 211. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/ show / 211-2020-% D0% BF / sp: max100 (accessed 28.03.2020).

On preventing the spread of COVID-19 acute respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus at nuclear power plants of Ukraine: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 16.03.2020 No. 240. URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws / show / 240-2020-% D0% BF / sp: max100 (аccessed 28.03.2020).


