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The challenges of the fourth industrial revolution are reflected on changes of all systems in industrial enterprises, and demand an increase in importance of the communication component, with the transition to a new quality level. Information and communication technologies play a significant role in the activity of each enterprise, ensuring the creation, storage, processing and access to information. The effective use of communication technologies makes the industry open, characterized by new patterns of self-organization and self-development. Today, the Ukrainian industry is characterized by an increase in the importance and value of information. The significant acceleration of informatization of the country’s population compels the industry to apply new methods which will allow the consumer to obtain accessible and complete information. However, the increase of the amount of information available to the consumers leaves bussinesses incapable to increase the volume of their communication.
The communication system of each industrial enterprise is complex, since the enterprise, in the course of its activity, needs to maintain contacts with its customers, suppliers, financial institutions (i.e banks, insurance companies). The communications system consists of goals, target audiences, key messages, communication channels, communication tools and performance metrics. Conducting information exchange between company’s internal and external environment requires coordination of the channels and communication tools with the target audiences. The task of the information and communication system of an industrial enterprise is to form and support the image of the proposed product for existing and potential customers.
An important element in the formation of a communication system in industrial enterprises is the development of an effective communication strategy. Properly formed communication strategies and their direct implementation in the enterprise significantly accelerates the development of the enterprise. The application of the communication strategy determines the use of all elements and communication channels which can contribute to the achievement of the communication goals. Any communication strategy should reflect the organizational plan, general ideas and direction of development of the organization. In most cases, the organizational plan covers an apporimately 5-year period, therefore the timeframe of the communication plan should be chosen accordingly. In addition to setting specific goals, it is important to understand the communication principles that underpin the strategy and the key idea that the organization seeks to convey through its activities [4].
The interpretation of the term "communication strategy" identifies the main options for its use: 1) a set of principles and types of communications to achieve the goals of the enterprise; 2) a long-term communication plan integrated with the overall enterprise strategy. Scientists identify the following three components of the communication strategy (Fig. 1).
Figure 1 - The components of a communication strategy
Source: made on the basis of [2].
The objectives of a communication strategy that demonstrates the promotion of effective communication are:
- achievement of the main goals of the organization;
- fruitful cooperation with partners;
- control of efficiency of activity of the enterprise;
- awareness by the potential customers of the work structure between them and the company;
- the ability to change behavior and perception, if necessary.
Considering various applications of communication strategies, it is important to mention Btecke van Ruhler’s developments, who identified the following options [1]: 1) the information strategy used in the formation of press releases; 2) persuasion strategy is a priority for advertisement and advocacy; 3) a dialogue strategy - to engage with key stakeholders; 4) consent formation strategy - to interact with the environment and with employees in case of conflict of interest.
The process of developing a communication strategy is shown in fig. 2.
Figure 2 - The process of developing a communication strategy
Source: Developed by the authors on the basis of [4].
Research by leading scientists has shown that there are two groups of communication problems in industrial enterprises:
• the structural communication problems associated with the barriers that arise in the process of information transfer;
• interpersonal communication problems related to behavioral aspects of enterprise activity [3].
The communication strategy is developed in accordance with the key goals of the organization and promotes effective communication with the public. Communication strategies are built on certain principles, which include the following: a leader's initiative, trust, understanding, dialogue, permeability, coordination, focus, responsiveness, and continuity. Communication strategy includes: goals and objectives, strategies, situation analysis, tools [5].
Communication strategies provide the solution to two related problems at once.
1. Creation of a system of communication messages using different communication means which would not contradict each other and would be coordinated with each other.
2. Achievement maximum effectiveness of communication strategies through the search for optimal combinations of basic communication tools.
Effective organization of communication activities at enterprises gives an opportunity to formulate rational strategic programs, to flexibly approach and respond to market conditions, to be competent to navigate in the difficult conditions of market competition.
Ruler B. van. The communication grid : an introduction of a model of four communication strategies. Public Relations Review. 2004. № 30. P. 123– 143
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