

Challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic require society to change its communications system. Change occurs both in the life of each person and in the activities of enterprises. There is a reorientation of communication processes in enterprises, and there is a growing role of online communication. The transition to online communication seems quite logical, as employees, customers, consumers and managers with limited mobility have begun to actively use Internet resources.
According to the latest statistics, during the first week of quarantine in Ukraine, the number of unique users and the time of sessions on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube tripled [1]. Gadgets remain the main source of information. Active are tools that increase the level of dissemination of information: likes, distribution, online reviews, "sarafan radio". All these measures necessitate the use of online communications.
COVID-19 pandemic has changed countless aspects of business and business in general. Today many employees of enterprises work remotely, on remote communication. To date, the pandemic related to COVID-19 has led to the fact that most companies in Ukraine are in a difficult situation. Therefore, the communication process has also changed. There is a lot of noise and communication barriers in the enterprise, but at the moment COVID-19 is the biggest barrier in communications, as most of the messaging channels are closed.
The purpose of any communication process is the exchange of information, namely to ensure the transmission and perception of information that is the subject of exchange. Both interpersonal and organizational communications are used in the communication process of the enterprise. Enterprises mostly actively consider the formation of organizational communications that arise between departments, levels, parts of the organization and between organizations, their features depend on the nature of the organization, its role and place in the industry, management structure, etc. [2]. Organizational communications are seen as a hierarchical system that shapes employee communication with management. In modern enterprises, communication is one of the most important elements of work, because the communication of all people and many others is based on communication with external channels, and internal channels are formed within the enterprise.
Simplest scheme of communication for a modern enterprise looks like: Communicator - Message - Communication. The communicator is the immediate supervisor, issues orders, instructions, notifies innovations and deals with the coding of the message itself. Messages can be sent in various ways, corporate mail, SMM tools, in person, etc. A communicator is an employee of this company to whom a message is communicated in one form or another, and who must provide a response (give feedback).
The successful communication process also depends on the consistent construction of the information message by the sender: attracting attention - interest - moving to the main part - clarifying the details - discussion - generalization - a call to action. The expected result of successful communication is a change in the behavior of the recipient [3].
For effective business communication, transmission of messages in the form of guidelines, instructions, orders, reports, reports, etc., you need to consider various factors: the choice of words in the formation of messages, mood, well-being, needs of recipients and more. Therefore, the problem of improving the effectiveness of communication has different aspects: formal-logical, value, semantic (semantic; refers to the meaning of words), socio-psychological, textual-logical, organizational, technical [4].
Enterprises use interpersonal communications, communications in communication systems and teams, communications in the organization and electronic means of communication.
Some of the many types of information exchange between a manager and a subordinate are related to:
- setting goals, priorities of expected results;
- ensuring involvement in solving the tasks of the department;
- discussion of efficiency problems;
- collecting information about the impending or real problem;

- notifying the subordinate of the upcoming change;
- keeping information about ideas, improvements and suggestions.
Analysis of the experience of enterprises that were able to maintain their market position in a pandemic, indicates the need to optimize communication policy in the enterprise, taking into account the construction of new models of communication processes of internal and external channels. Relevant models are integrated subsystems of communication development management, based on a combination of communication optimization of all functional units and modern communication channels.
In order to increase the efficiency of internal relations, it is proposed to: involve employees in cooperation; try to use all channels and information resources; timely inform employees about the news of the organization, its mission, goals, plans and prospects for development; accurately, simply and accurately present information; to increase communicative interaction: to communicate regularly with the team in the form of open dialogue, ie to hold meetings, various meetings, discussions. In a pandemic, this is changing to holding similar events with the help of Internet resources, to use video communication, so-called online meetings,
Meetings of more than 10 employees should be held online. Many applications are used for this type of meetings, such as Jitsi Meet, Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Myownconference, etc. Most of these programs are free, easy to use, which allows you to create special groups and even restrict certain participants, with the ability to keep a personal notebook, cover tasks and set deadlines, record meetings, and view them if necessary.
One of the significant problems of the communication process in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was faced by the managers at the enterprises, coordination of documents, meetings, etc. Electronic signatures need to be issued for people who sign documents, so we will not only save the health of employees but also save the time of transfer and signature. In Ukraine from November 7, 2018, according to the law "On trust services" electronic signature can be of three categories:
• simple electronic signature and seal - a low level of trust;
• improved electronic signature and seal - medium level of trust;
• qualified electronic signature and seal - a high level of trust [5].
It is advisable to use 2 categories of signatures, advanced electronic for shift managers and regular employees, qualified electronic signature for senior management.
An effective tool in conditions of limited face-to-face communication is to optimize, develop and improve your own website. For the external direction of communications, this will help increase customer loyalty, as anyone can get acquainted with the goals of the company, staff, management, as well as the opportunity to cooperate, learn about contacts or vacancies. Without leaving home. From the side of internal communications, each of the employees can learn about new documents, rules and possible schedule from the site, as well as in the presence of the employee's personal account - to receive tasks and explanations. Thus, the optimization of communication and their modernization will help the company not to lose the main value - efficiency.
To improve communication with the environment, it is necessary to use new communication technologies. Most entrepreneurs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are reducing external communications because it is a cost item, but communications are leading to an increase in the number of customers. In a pandemic, it is important to maintain the level of brand awareness, not to lose touch with the consumer, because in the future it can be problematic to return to the previous course, to be competitive in the market.
The use of new communication measures and development allows to organize the work of enterprises more efficiently and opens new ways for their development.



Українська аудиторія Facebook налічує 15 млн, Instagram – 13 млн користувачів. LB.ua. URL: https://lb.ua/society/2020/07/17/462089_ukrainska_auditoriya_facebook.html (дата звернення: 11.08.2020)].

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Дєгтяр А.О., Бублій М.П. Внутрішні комунікації підприємства як чинник мотивації персоналу Вісник Харківської державної академії культури. 2014. Вип. 43. С. 165-173. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/hak_2014_43_23

Електронний підпис: що це, які є види, як отримати і застосовувати. URL: https://education.zakupki.prom.ua/ru/elektronniy-tsifroviy-pid/


