Ключові слова:
innovation, a culture of innovation, the concept of innovationАнотація
Everyone who thinks they have an innovation in their personal life or in their company has an opinion about meaning of innovation. Professionals in education, politics and the market participants consider many things they do as an innovation. Some of them even accept things as an innovation that have nothing to do with it, such as moving their company to a new building. Others think that finding something new is an innovation. However, innovation is not discovering something or making an invention. Unfortunately, the biggest problem of our modern world is everyone's curiosity to invent something that will make them famous. However, science and humanity is a process that progresses with the sustainability of knowledge rather than a new discovery. Finding something new can make you famous, but there's no guarantee that you will have a sustainable development. The basic thing is that innovation is a process and has a structure suitable for development. Innovation is basically creating a sustainable situation by applying new things on the existing one.
Although the definition of innovation is notoriously ambiguous (1, 2006), innovation can be defined as an outcome and process. A balanced view encompassing outcome and process is crucial. Thinking around outcome, process, and mindset are three crucial factors, which mandatory for innovation (3, 2018). In fact, what needs to be done in innovation is to reshape something that already exists. Reshaping something requires looking again and seeing something different every time you look at it. Such a thing can only be done by individuals and companies that constantly renew themselves. It is a natural and good strategy for a company to seek profit in order to survive. However, we cannot think that a company should be established entirely on profitability. A company's fundamental vision should be sustainable innovation. Otherwise, it will have to be content with short-term profit and it will not be possible to maintain its existence in a long time.
Innovation basically needs to start with each individual although innovation is considered in terms of the business environment. Individuals should seek innovation in their personal life to keep up with the modern world. In addition, personal innovation should be encouraged by government authorities. Individuals’ innovation is the fundamental part of companies’ innovation and the creation of a sustainable innovation culture. An innovation is a new or modified learned behavior not previously found in the population, and results in new or modified learned behavior (2, 2016). Beginning an innovation requires an effort that stimulated peoples action thresholds to pay attention and initiate novel action. The major preconditions stimulating people to act are necessity, opportunity and dissatisfaction (4,2000).
The best way to create a culture of innovation for both individuals and companies is to focus on professional training activities in this regard. The most important benefit of this is the use of scientific methods in innovation efforts, as well as the creation of an innovation culture through scientific and realistic definition of innovation The continuation of such trainings will also positively affect sustainable entrepreneurship activities. In particular, if innovation becomes a strategy and vision in the improvement individuals and development of companies, sustainable innovation will become a lifestyle for individuals and a culture for companies.
As a result, the most fundamental issue is the correct definition of innovation. A correct definition of innovation will make it easier to determine which individual and corporate activities will be considered as an innovation. The concept of innovation will enable the emergence of better practices for the right innovation by everyone, at least by those who want innovation. The concept of innovation will be able to add new definitions to itself along with the applications realized over time.
Adams, R., Bessant, J. and Phelps, R. (2006). Innovation management measurement: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 8: 21-47. (the date of access: 09.11.2022).
Carr, K., Kendal, R.L. and Flynn, E.G. (2016). Eureka!: What Is Innovation, How Does It Develop, and Who Does It?. Child Dev, 87: 1505-1519. (the date of access: 09.11.2022).
Kenneth B. Kahn, K. B. (2018). Understanding innovation. Business Horizons, 61 (3), 453-460. (the date of access: 09.11.2022).
Van de Ven, A. H., Angle, H. L. (2000). Research on the Management of Innovation: The Minnesota Studies, Oxford University Press.