

E-commerce is one of the main consumers of information technology. The increase in the number of online purchases encourages e-commerce platform owners not only to test the relevant arsenal of information technologies, but also to invest in the independent development of IT products. Alibaba Group, a pioneer in the e-commerce industry, is among the leaders in this field. The diversification of Alibaba Group is a factor of high demand for information products, and, in turn, the successful use of information products increases the competitiveness of the business and the level of customer loyalty, and, as a result, stimulates the launch of new services and new areas of activity. The Alibaba Group is implementing a conglomerate diversification strategy, and the digital business is common to the majority of its business lines. According to [1], the main areas of activity of the company under study are as follows: online commerce at the local (China) and international levels, Local Consumer Services (in particular, a provider of mobile digital map, navigation and real-time traffic information in China), Digital Media and Entertainment, Innovation Initiatives, Logistics, Cloud (Technology Infrastructure for Digitalization and Intelligence). With a well-developed business ecosystem, Alibaba Group implements the concept of continuous innovation based on sustainable investment in modern information technologies, search for new market niches, creation of new markets and market leadership, and flexible and prompt response to customer demands. Alibaba Group's strong investment capabilities allow it to implement systematic innovation activities. The constant search for and attraction of talent, in-depth market research, big data analysis, and the use of decision support systems all combine to create the conditions for the development of successful innovative products. A high level of brand trust helps to quickly assess the success of each new product from Alibaba Group in the market, and a large potential market ensures rapid scaling and payback of projects.

Managing the strategic development of a large business requires the rapid processing of large amounts of data. The Alibaba Group makes decisions based on cloud computing and big data analytics about consumer behavior. This helps to make decisions about products, logistics, inventory, etc. based on objective, representative data. Alibaba Group uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to personalize the shopping experience and generate personalized offers for future purchases. To increase the loyalty of business representatives who use Alibaba Group's electronic platforms, the company has created a corresponding cloud infrastructure - Alibaba Cloud - for secure data storage by sellers, transaction tracking, and information about customer behavior. IT also plays a key role in the operational efficiency of the Alibaba Group, in particular, for streamlining internal operations, organizing collaboration, and exchanging information in the business ecosystem [2]. It is important to build effective communications with consumers on the following principles: timely information (about the company's plans, promotional activities, changes in prices and tariffs, etc.), the use of multiple communication channels, ensuring quality feedback - enabling consumers to easily solve problem situations, quickly receive a response to a request, etc. [3].

Information technology contributes to the efficient organization of operations, support of management decisions, objective planning and regulation. Information technology alone is not enough to effectively manage strategic development; there must also be an appropriate business philosophy, namely, the desire for continuous improvement, increased efficiency and maximum customer satisfaction.


Alibaba. Our Businesses. URL : (Access: 21.03.2024).

Muhammad Farooq Javed. Case Study of Alibaba Group. November 16, 2022. URL : (Access: 25.03.2024).

Shenderivska L., Krystopchuk M., Nykonchuk V., Kniazevych A., Shketa V. Prospects of Neuromarketing Application in Communication Activities of Logistics Enterprises. Transbaltica XII: Transportation Science and Technology : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference TRANSBALTICA, September 16-17, 2021. Vilnius, Lithuania. Pp. 682-693. URL : (Access: 27.03.2024).


